No, this is my dear patient Bio on Screening Day, respectfully called "Papa" by the other patients on the Ward. Bio received surgery for removal of keloid scars on his neck and skin grafting, using donor skin from his thigh which was applied to his neck after the keloid was removed. I felt right at home taking care of him, like I was back working on the Burn and Plastics Unit where skin grafting is what it's all about until I learned about the use of affordable household products for wound care. Bio's skin grafts to his neck had become infected with the nasty Pseudomonas bacteria, to which we applied vinegar soaks every day. The wound healing was further encouraged through the application of dressings with honey for its antibacterial properties and ability to debride (pull out the dead cells, drainage and infection from) wounds. Hmmmmm... some new wound care practices to introduce back in Boston? Bio was delighted to view this photograph of himself. He said he never owned a photograph of himself so this situation was soon remedied.
I told Bio how he reminded me of the famous actor, Morgan Freeman. We googled up Morgan and the patients gathered round the computer screen, nodded and agreed, the resemblance indisputable.
Morgan is one of my favorite actors...tell Bio he is handsome...and Papa fits him well...i have used vinegar on wounds and also sugar but never honey...oh no, now i am dating myself....this ancient nurse has seen lots in her time...and not surprised at much any more...sometimes old remedies work and cost less too...i wish Bio good healing...and the rest of your patients too...You are all in my thoughts and prayers...Love, JY